Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Exercise 3: Descriptive Writing Exercise Pt. 1

1. Scout a location and describe  the setting: It was a  mild cold fall day.  The wind blows modestly and against the partially naked trees.  All though the temperature is 55 degrees people scatter as if the temperature is below freeing point on Kean University Main Campus in the seating area  between University Center the CAS Building.

2. Identify several “characters” and describe them in greater detail:  The sky is a dusk light blue.  A few people stand congregating near the navy blue cold metal benches.  Closer to the University Center building there a slip brown skin girl in her early twenties sitting on the back of the bench with her feet in the seat as she leans forward to better here the discussion between her what seems to be her tow friends a young handsome African American man in his early twenties who enjoys showing off his fashion and he is the only one outside with no coat on and both women seems to bundled up.  The discussion between this young petite  brown skin young lady and the stocky brown skin man who looks as though he could play football seems to be full with welcomed flirtation.  About 50 feet away we have a young Caucasian couple bundled up in hoodies catching sweet kisses on the lips as they past by in opposite direction.  the kiss may have been quick but intense for sure as if it has its own I love you.

3.Pick out several important sounds and describe them vividly: Unlike many days on the university campus everything is mute. All though located in the suburbs of Newark, NJ this day the campus operated just as the wind in moderate soft tones.

 4.) Identify something that moves or changes in your viewing, and describe it dramatically:  The groups of young people once ending their discussion all disappeared.

5.) Describe the scents or odors in the location:   The scent scentles.

Beatles A Hard Day's Night Reaction

                                                               Beatles A Hard Day's Night 
                                                 Harry Benson: Fifty Years in Pictures

In both pictures you can not tell which would be a still shot from a Hard Day's Night or from Life Magazine.  In both aspects the  director and photographer seemed to capture the fun and youthful essence of the Beatles and not stick them with traditional journalism pictures.

Exercise 2 Expressive Lighting

                                        Photo Credit By Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijin

To achieve the Chiaroscuro effect you will need to choose the subject, determine the mood and remove any type of background light.  The only light you will need is one solitary light so that the  subject is illuminated.    You will need to play withe the light and angle it.  The video should give a 2-D effect of the shot.

In these shots I took where not set-up by me.  I happen to be in New York City and I noticed how there was only singular lights around the Columbus Circle and Ashford and Simpson Restaurant Sugar Bar all excude Chiaroscuro on their own.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lighting Director Question

When looking at an Extreme Close Up (ECU) on page 227 of Sight Sound Motion Applied Method Aesthetics, Seventh Edition by Herbert Zettl, the picture seems to be a complete opposite of a Fast Falloff.  The ECU is soft and natural where as the Fast Falloff on page 25, 2.13 is very dark seems like people would be for focused on the dark background.  The Fast Falloff makes me fell that we are setting up for a suspense and not a beauty commercial.  I would disagree with the novice LD explaining for this beauty cream commercial, this cream needs to be the focus.  The best way the beauty cream can be the major focus is to use ECU.

                                                              1. Extreme Close Up

                                                         Photography by Derek Blanks

                                                                   2. Fast Falloff

                                                      Photography by Derek Blanks

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Exercise One, Part Two

1. Verticle

                          Photo Credit Derek Blanks                               

2. Horizontal
Photo Credit by Derek Blanks

3. Foreground

Photo Credit by Derek Blanks

4. Midground

Photo Credit by Derek Blanks

5. Suggestion of Movement

Photo Credit by Derek Blanks

6. Framed by Nature

Photo Credit  by Derek Blanks

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Photographer Bio Assignment

Derek Blanks is an Atlanta, GA based photographer, whom is best known for his "Alter Ego" Photo Shoots.  Born in Mississippi as the middle of three children and a twin his artistic gift was seen early on by his mother. To insure his creativity did not go to waste his mother enrolled him into an art school to hone his creative abilities.  By his senior Derek was sure of his life paths and ready to enroll into college.  He had his eyes set on one particular school Maryland Institute College of Art, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude.  While at Maryland Institute College of Art, Derek earned a degree in Fine Arts.  His gifts as a photographer, illustrator and web designer.  A side from photographing everyone from stay at home mom's to some of the top entertainers, he has illustrated his first childrens' book called "Up the Learning Tree" and has won the International Davey Award for Best Web Design in 2009.  Some of his body of work can be seen in American Magazine, Communication Magazine and Society of Illustration.

The reason that I have chosen Derek Blanks is due to his innate ability to utilize all of his gifts.  His photos shows the artist, and illustrates a story line.  He always leaves me sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what he will bring forth next.  His colors are always vibrant and pictures are always exciting.  He has a way of making every subject beautiful.  He catches beauty in the harsh line and soft curves of his subjects.  In the words of Derek Blanks "pictures speaks VOLUMES."

The Only Jaiden: Derek Blanks "Infamous" "Alter Ego" Photo Shoot

Photo Credit by Jaiden Shephard

Derek Blanks Alter Ego Photo Shoot: Comedian Monique

Photo Credit by Derek Blanks