Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lighting Director Question

When looking at an Extreme Close Up (ECU) on page 227 of Sight Sound Motion Applied Method Aesthetics, Seventh Edition by Herbert Zettl, the picture seems to be a complete opposite of a Fast Falloff.  The ECU is soft and natural where as the Fast Falloff on page 25, 2.13 is very dark seems like people would be for focused on the dark background.  The Fast Falloff makes me fell that we are setting up for a suspense and not a beauty commercial.  I would disagree with the novice LD explaining for this beauty cream commercial, this cream needs to be the focus.  The best way the beauty cream can be the major focus is to use ECU.

                                                              1. Extreme Close Up

                                                         Photography by Derek Blanks

                                                                   2. Fast Falloff

                                                      Photography by Derek Blanks

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